Serial over SSH

Serial over SSH



The Serial plugin has always been one of the most popular features of IO Ninja — our users love the power and simplicity it brings to the table when it comes to talking to a serial device attached to your PC.

Now, what if this serial device is not plugged directly into a USB-to-Serial adapter on your PC? We received a lot of requests to network-enable the Serial plugin and make it possible to control a serial device plugged in to a remote machine — such as a headless Raspberry Pi board situated somewhere on a distant site.

Starting with version 5.1.0, IO Ninja comes with a dedicated tool called ioninja-hwc for controlling the IO Ninja hardware taps remotely. From the get-go, we decided to take it a step further and allow it to control serial ports, as well.

Please note that the remote machine must be configured to enable ioninja-hwc over SSH connections. Refer to the following mini-guide for the instructions on how to do that.

Once ioninja-hwc on the remote machine is accessible over SSH, you can use Serial over SSH to talk to any serial device connected to the machine — just as if it was plugged in directly to your local PC. All the features loved by the users of the original Serial plugin are available in such remote sessions, too.

See Also

Serial Tap
A hardware sniffer for monitoring RS232, RS485, and TTL-level UART comms.
Serial Terminal
Construct, send, receive, and analyze serial packets
Serial Monitor over SSH
Monitor serial port activity initiated by applications on a remote machine.
