EZ-Tap Pro

EZ-Tap Pro

Client for EZ-Tap Pro and Versa-Tap Serial Sniffers
Notification Center


The EZ-Tap Pro plugin is an advanced client for the popular EZ-Tap Pro and Versa-Tap serial monitoring devices.

These devices act as a man-in-the-middle for a serial connection. They intercepts all the data flowing through a RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 connection (including control/status line handshaking), add high-precision timestamps and report everything back to your PC over a USB cable.

Why You Need EZ-Tap Pro

Powerful & Beautiful Logging Engine

The Ninja Scroll logging engine is the heart of IO Ninja! It offers many unique and useful features you won't find in other serial monitors, such as interleaving binary data with informational messages for a clear timeline of events, switching between hex-view and plain-text view of binary data, a regex markup engine for highlighting data based on regular expressions, and many others!


See Also

Serial Tap
A hardware sniffer for monitoring RS232, RS485, and TTL-level UART comms.
Modbus TCP Analyzer
Makes modbus communication easy.
Serial Terminal
Construct, send, receive, and analyze serial packets
Serial Monitor over SSH
Monitor serial port activity initiated by applications on a remote machine.
Serial Monitor
Allows for advanced serial monitoring.
