TCP Server

The TCP Server plugin allows you to accept and manage incoming connections over TCP. It enables you to maintain multiple client connections at once, focus on specific client communications through filters, and gain full control over the TCP socket, like TCP Connection. This makes it an invaluable tool for troubleshooting and debugging client-side projects.



Required for accepting network connections.


Required for establishing IPv6 connections.
Enables the packet history & packet library panes.
Enables the regex-based markup of binary data in the log.

Basic Setup

  1. In IO Ninja, click the “New Session” dropdown and select “TCP Server”.
  1. Set the adapter and port.

For example, if you wanted to listen for IPv4 traffic on port 2000, then you would set the adapter to “All IPv4 adapters” and the port to “2000”.

  1. Click the “Listen” button to start listening to traffic.
  1. Analyze the log as TCP requests are made to the server.
  1. Adjust settings as needed via the “Settings” button (see “Settings” section below for details).


Setting Description Default
Adapter Provides a list of local network adapters to bind to. All IPv4 adapters
Local port Local port to bind to. 8080
Reuse address Allow multiple sockets to share the same local address. False
TCP Nagle algorithm Delay transmission to reduce the number of small TCP packets. False
TCP reset Drop TCP connections abruptly with a TCP RST packet. False
TCP keep-alives Detect connection loss with TCP keep-alive probes. False
Read parallelism
Maximum number of read requests to issue in parallel. 4
Read block size (B) Size of each individual read block passed to the driver. 4KB
RX buffer size (B) Specify the full size of the incoming buffer in the IO thread. 16KB
TX buffer size (B) Total size of the write buffer. 16KB
Keep read block size Don’t merge read blocks in RX buffer. False
Keep write block size Don’t merge write blocks in TX buffer. False
RX buffer full notifications Write warnings in log whenever RX buffer gets completely full. False


An example of an adapter dropdown on a typical Windows laptop is shown below:
