Pcap Sniffer

There are so many network sniffers tools, free and commercial, open-source and proprietary. Wikipedia dedicates the whole article for comparing network sniffers, and it doesn’t fit on one page, either. What could be improved here?

Well, there’s something that most other IP sniffers don’t have, and that is an easy-to-follow single-view log sheet that plays well with binary data — courtesy of the Ninja Scroll Logging Engine.

Besides actual packet sniffing, the Network Sniffer plugin also lets you to inject your own custom-made packets, which in conjunction with the Jancy packet template feature opens a whole new range of low-level testing and security audit capabilities.

Under the hood, our network packet sniffer is powered by Pcap, an industry-standard open-source cross-platform packet capture driver. It’s the same driver behind WireShark and many other excellent sniffers.