Trouble writing Protocol Analyzer

My Serial-Tap just arrived and I'm trying to write a protocol analyzer for an internal protocol. I can't get by first step: "click menu File/New Project". I've looked everywhere and can't find it.

I'm running IONinja V5.3.1(amd64) under MacOS 12.5.1 (Monterey).

I'm still in evaluation mode for a couple of days. Any help would be appreciated.

After further research, I see I need to install NetBeans. I did that, added the plugin provider:, and installed the three plugins. After selecting unpack200 from my Java8 distribution and restarting NetBeans I was able to select "File/New Project: Category: IO Ninja, Project: Plugin Project"

However on the next page, there is no "Plugin Type" available. Please advise.

Most likely, it's a path-related issue. See below:

Updating the paths did allow me to move forward.

One question that I have: Will this protocol analyzer decode packets on a serial link (ie from the serial-tap) in real time. Or does this "protocol analyzer" just re-interpret static logs.

Protocol analyzers in IO Ninja decode streams in real-time; you can try Modbus Analyzer to see how it works. But you can also apply it to an .njlog file captured earlier, of course.