Currently, there's no built-in UI feature for that. However, it's a totally legit feature request (and is quite easy to implement). We could add it to one of the upcoming releases.
At the moment, what can be done instead is a simple plugin to expand ALL records:
class AutoExpandFilterLayer:
log.FoldingFilter {
ui.BoolProperty* m_expandProp;
construct(doc.PluginHost* pluginHost) {
m_expandProp = pluginHost.m_propertyGrid.createBoolProperty("Expand all records");
override void restoreDefaultProperties() {
m_expandProp.m_value = true;
override uint8_t filter(
uint64_t timestamp,
uint64_t recordCode,
void const* p,
size_t size
) {
return m_expandProp.m_value ? log.FoldFlags.ExpandAll : 0;
Here's an archive with the full plugin:
After attaching it, all the new foldable records will be expanded by default. You can check/uncheck the "Expand all" property and rebuild the log to expand or collapse all foldable records.
Hope this helps!