RegEx examples for Colorize Log feature

Can you post some regex examples in the documentation on how to use "Colorize Log"? I tried it, but can't figure out the correct regex. I got a single hex value to highlight with 0x52, but no further.

Also, I found a bug, whenever I use this regex, it crashes IO Ninja: ^\x52
Seems to be the caret(^) triggering the crash.

Here is a sample of the serial port data:

52 02 00 10 00                                   R....
57 02 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  W...............
00 00 00 00 00 69                                .....i

52 02 00 10 01                                   R....
57 02 00 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  W...............
00 00 00 00 00 6a                                .....j

52 00 06 20 63                                   R.. c
57 00 06 20 63 16 25 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00  W.. c.%P........
00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 57 58 5f 49 4e 44 59 20  ........WX_INDY 
00 00 00 00 00 ca                                ......

52 and 57 are commands. I'd like to colorize or bold the next 4 bytes, ideally with the 3rd of the 4th byte (block size) unbolded.
So it looks something like this, so it's easier to see the separation between the device's mem address and data being dumped:

52 02 00 10 00 R....
57 02 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 W...............
00 00 00 00 00 69 .....i

52 02 00 10 01 R....
57 02 00 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 W...............
00 00 00 00 00 6a .....j

57 00 06 20 63 16 25 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 W.. c.%P........
00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 57 58 5f 49 4e 44 59 20 ........WX_INDY
00 00 00 00 00 ca ......

(I am using this for developing a driver for the open source project CHIRP at . It is software to program and configure amateur radios (ham radios), and share channel configs across different radios. The manufacturers' software is usually very badly written with poor UI, and usually can't import/export to CSV to allow sharing channel/frequency configuration with another brand of radio. I plan to recommend IO Ninja for a workgroup license with other developers there. It works great for this purpose.)

The new Regex Colorizer feature has been just added in ioninja-5.1.0 and is not yet documented. It uses an FSM-based rather than a backtracking engine, and as such, it doesn't and will not ever support some features available in PCRE -- most notably, no backtracking or named groups. POSIX-style character classes (e.g., [:space:]) are currently not supported (but can be easily added). Until we have a dedicated documentation page, you can refer to the following Ragel definition as a reference for what's supported:

#. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
#  standard definitions

oct = [0-7];
dec = [0-9];
hex = [0-9a-fA-F];
ws  = [ \t\r];

utf8_1 = 0x00 .. 0x7f;
utf8_2 = 0xc0 .. 0xdf;
utf8_3 = 0xe0 .. 0xef;
utf8_4 = 0xf0 .. 0xf7;
utf8_c = 0x80 .. 0xbf;

#. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
#  main machine

main := |*

'^'    { createToken(TokenKind_AnchorBeginLine); };
'$'    { createToken(TokenKind_AnchorEndLine); };
'\\A'  { createToken(TokenKind_AnchorBeginText); };
'\\z'  { createToken(TokenKind_AnchorEndText); };
'\\b'  { createToken(TokenKind_AnchorWordBoundary); };
'\\B'  { createToken(TokenKind_AnchorNotWordBoundary); };

'[^'   { createToken(TokenKind_NegatedCharClass); fgoto char_class; };
'['    { createToken(TokenKind_CharClass); fgoto char_class; };
'(?:'  { createToken(TokenKind_NonCapturingGroup); };
'('    { createToken(TokenKind_Group); };
')'    { createToken(TokenKind_EndGroup); };
'??'   { createToken(TokenKind_NonGreedyQuestion); };
'?'    { createToken(TokenKind_Question); };
'*?'   { createToken(TokenKind_NonGreedyStar); };
'*'    { createToken(TokenKind_Star); };
'+?'   { createToken(TokenKind_NonGreedyPlus); };
'+'    { createToken(TokenKind_Plus); };
'|'    { createToken(TokenKind_Pipe); };
'{'    { createToken(TokenKind_Quantifier); fgoto quantifier; };
'.'    { createToken(TokenKind_AnyChar); };

'\\d'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassDigit); };
'\\D'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassNonDigit); };
'\\h'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassHex); };
'\\H'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassNonHex); };
'\\w'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassWord); };
'\\W'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassNonWord); };
'\\s'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassSpace); };
'\\S'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassNonSpace); };

'\\0'  { createCharToken(0); };
'\\a'  { createCharToken('\a'); };
'\\b'  { createCharToken('\b'); };
'\\e'  { createCharToken('\x1b'); };
'\\f'  { createCharToken('\f'); };
'\\n'  { createCharToken('\n'); };
'\\r'  { createCharToken('\r'); };
'\\t'  { createCharToken('\t'); };
'\\v'  { createCharToken('\v'); };

'\\x' hex{2}   { createHexCharToken_2(ts + 2); };
'\\u' hex{4}   { createHexCharToken_4(ts + 2); };
'\\U' hex{8}   { createHexCharToken_8(ts + 2); };
'\\'  oct{3}   { createOctCharToken(ts + 1); };
'\\'  any      { createCharToken(ts[1]); };

utf8_1            { createCharToken(ts[0]); };
utf8_2 utf8_c     { createUtf8CharToken_2(ts); };
utf8_3 utf8_c{2}  { createUtf8CharToken_3(ts); };
utf8_4 utf8_c{3}  { createUtf8CharToken_4(ts); };

any               { createCharToken(ts[0]); };


#. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
#  char class machine

char_class := |*

'-'    { createToken(TokenKind_Dash); };
']'    { createToken(TokenKind_EndCharClass); fgoto main; };

# alas, Ragel doesn't allow injecting sub-scanners, hence, copy-paste...

'\\d'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassDigit); };
'\\D'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassNonDigit); };
'\\h'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassHex); };
'\\H'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassNonHex); };
'\\w'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassWord); };
'\\W'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassNonWord); };
'\\s'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassSpace); };
'\\S'  { createToken(TokenKind_StdCharClassNonSpace); };

'\\0'  { createCharToken(0); };
'\\a'  { createCharToken('\a'); };
'\\b'  { createCharToken('\b'); };
'\\e'  { createCharToken('\x1b'); };
'\\f'  { createCharToken('\f'); };
'\\n'  { createCharToken('\n'); };
'\\r'  { createCharToken('\r'); };
'\\t'  { createCharToken('\t'); };
'\\v'  { createCharToken('\v'); };

'\\x' hex{2}   { createHexCharToken_2(ts + 2); };
'\\u' hex{4}   { createHexCharToken_4(ts + 2); };
'\\U' hex{8}   { createHexCharToken_8(ts + 2); };
'\\'  oct{3}   { createOctCharToken(ts + 1); };
'\\'  any      { createCharToken(ts[1]); };

utf8_1            { createCharToken(ts[0]); };
utf8_2 utf8_c     { createUtf8CharToken_2(ts); };
utf8_3 utf8_c{2}  { createUtf8CharToken_3(ts); };
utf8_4 utf8_c{3}  { createUtf8CharToken_4(ts); };

any               { createCharToken(ts[0]); };


#. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
#  quantifier machine

quantifier := |*

dec+  { createNumberToken(atoi(ts)); };
','   { createToken(TokenKind_Comma); };
'}'   { createToken(TokenKind_EndQuantifier); fgoto main; };



Just as you've noticed, not everything works as expected (e.g., there are issues with anchor processing and quantifiers); these issues will be polished over the upcoming service releases.

For the time being, you can use this to colorize the command byte trigger (0x52 or 0x57) and the following four bytes:


I would also consider creating a simple protocol analyzer layer that would allow for more options when it comes to visual aids. For example, you can insert a line "break" before each occurrence of the command byte trigger with this code:

class BreakOnCharLayer:
	log.Converter {

	construct(doc.PluginHost* pluginHost){

	override bool convert(
		log.Writer* writer,
		uint64_t timestamp,
		uint64_t recordCode,
		void const* p0,
		size_t size
	) {
		if (recordCode != log.StdRecordCode.Tx &&
			recordCode != log.StdRecordCode.Rx)
			return false;

		char const* base = p0;
		char const* p = p0;
		char const* end = p + size;
		for (; p < end; p++) {
			char c = *p;
			if (c != 0x52 && c != 0x57)

			if (p > base)
				writer.write(timestamp, recordCode, base, p - base - 1);

			writer.write(timestamp, log.StdRecordCode.Break);
			base = p;

		if (p > base)
			writer.write(timestamp, recordCode, base, p - base);

		return true;


A layer like this could, of course, add more meaningful data to the log (i.e., some human-readable information about commands and replies extracted from the binary packets.

Our tutorial for writing protocol analyzers covers the topic in more detail:

Of course, writing an in-depth protocol analyzer only makes sense if it is expected to work with a protocol at hand long enough (to justify the work on the analyzer). Otherwise, I would stop at inserting a break between the packet boundaries and maybe tagging packets with a few lines of human-readable text.

Thanks! That simple regex ([\x52\x57]....) does work somewhat, but it also highlights any data within the payload that has an ASCII R or W, instead of only at the start of the packet. But that's useful enough for now, I appreciate it.

I did look at the custom plugin page a few days ago, but since it's been decades since I coded C++, I didn't try to write one. Thanks for the sample, I will customize it a little, see what it can help me out with.

(There does seem to be a bug in your sample code that is eating the character before the trigger. What previously was:

50 52 4f 47 52 41 4d                             PROGRAM

is now with the BreakOnChar layer:

52 4f                                            RO
52 41 4d                                         RAM

...mentioning it just in case someone else tries to use the code.)

Thanks for a quick reply!

Indeed, a bug:

			if (p > base)
				writer.write(timestamp, recordCode, base, p - base - 1);

should be:

			if (p > base)
				writer.write(timestamp, recordCode, base, p - base);


Thanks! That simple regex ([\x52\x57]....) does work somewhat, but it also highlights any data within the payload that has an ASCII R or W, instead of only at the start of the packet. But that's useful enough for now, I appreciate it.

What defines the start of a packet in this protocol? Could you share a link to the description of the packet structure?