I did have some success using the QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING and QT_SCALE_FACTOR environment variables. Disabling scaling looked best (like before in version 5.3.2), while setting the scale factor looked just ok - fonts were a good size, but the icons don't like quite as nice as the unscaled versions.
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I use IoNinja on a 4k monitor with 150% scaling in Windows 10. For versions <= 5.3.2, this looks great. The toolbar buttons are around the same size as my taskbar's system tray icons, and the program is comfortable to use with the font size set to 10. The fonts in the toolbars and sidebars are a similar size to the serial port window. Everything renders clearly with no blurring.
In version 5.5.0 (I haven't tested 5.4.0), everything still renders clearly, but the toolbar and sidebar fonts are bigger than I'd like, and the toolbar icons are scaled much bigger than I'd like. To get the serial port window font to a comfortable size, I have to set the font size to 8. But this doesn't change the size of the toolbar and sidebar fonts. So the toolbars and sidebars take up very much screen space. I can get the size back to what's comfortable for me by changing the windows scaling settings in the application shortcut, but this makes the rendering blurry.
I'm switching back to version 5.3.2 for now.
Maybe in the future you can add an options for changing the toolbar and sidebar fonts sizes, and choosing the icon scaling size?