"Cannot open device" error message

Hello all,
I am trying to do USB logging but I got this error message

with other tools I can sniff USB on my machine and IO Ninja has admin permissions. Do I make an error here?


Hello Matthias,

USB Data Endpoint and USB Control Endpoint terminals are not for monitoring USB traffic. These plugins are used to send or receive low-level USB packets over control, bulk, or interrupt endpoints -- this can be crucial when debugging non-standard vendor USB protocols.

The "Cannot open device" error that you see is not related to administrative permissions. Under Windows, libusb (used as transport for these plugins) can only talk to a limited subset of USB drivers (e.g., the standard winusb.sys). So you need a libusb-compatible driver before using USB Data/Control Endpoint plugins on a device.

If you are developing your own USB device, that's probably not an issue because you (most likely) already use winusb.sys anyway. Otherwise, you need to force-install a libusb-compatible driver. One of the well-known utilities to do that is Zadig (https://zadig.akeo.ie/).

Just FYI, under Linux or macOS libusb can talk to all USB devices without any extra actions (if device permissions allow that for the current user, of course).

Also, if you are interested in monitoring USB -- the new USB Monitor plugin will be added in the upcoming release. It uses USBPcap on Windows and usbmon on Linux as a capturing engine. I can make an internal pre-release build to try it now if you want. Let me know.