IO-Ninja server crash

I'm trying to start a capture on Linux with an Ethernet TAP, but it is crashing once i start the capture.


root@clement-MS-7D43:~# tail -f /root/.ioninja/system-logs/ioninja-server-log-01daf3abeae27836.txt 
Opening log /root/.ioninja/tmp/ethernet-tap-01daf3abea1f75c6.njlog...
Opening details log /root/.ioninja/tmp/ioninja-01daf3abeae0a374-detail...
Starting threads...
Starting worker thread...
Starting plugin 'Ethernet Tap'...
Waiting for disconnect...
Loading plugin settings...
Plugin is ready.
Servicing worker thread requests...
*** Jancy exception in LogFilter::filter: SIGSEGV by 0x0000723306152f08 (null pointer access)

I'm using IO Ninja 5.6.0 (May 30 build) on an Ubuntu 22.04.3 PC (kernel 6.8.0-40-generic, amd64)

Any idea how to solve this ?

Also, is it mandatory to be root, or is there a way to allow a user to open the Ethernet tap ?


Confirmed. There's a regression in the Ethernet Tap plugin on Linux builds that somehow got under the radar during routine pre-release testing; will be fixed in the very next release.


  1. use ioninja-hwc to capture to .pcap from command line:
$ ./ioninja-hwc --ethernet-tap --pcap --out=my-capture.pcap
  1. use the previous release of ioninja:

  2. if that's possible in your case, use the windows or macos builds of the latest ioninja-5.6.0 (the regression only affects Linux builds).

Also, is it mandatory to be root, or is there a way to allow a user to open the Ethernet tap ?

You can add a UDEV rule to assign less restrictive permissions to USB devices based on VID/PID:

For the Ethernet Tap, use these parameters:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="326f", ATTR{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="0666", SYMLINK="ethernet-tap"

Thank you for your answer, i downgraded to 5.5.1 and added udev rules and I'm now able to use the tap