Feature request: Keyboard shortcuts

I'm not sure if it is the right place to write a feature request though... it would be very nice if there is a keyboard shortcut to start/stop capture, and clear the log! 🙂

Adding a shortcut for clear-the-log is technically trivial. But it should be something that's really hard to press by accident (something like Ctrl+Shift+F8). I mean, imagine a user confusing the shortcut and accidentally killing a log that was built overnight! We even had an opposite (kind of) to your feature request—having a confirmation dialog for clear-the-log!

Adding shortcuts to start-capture, stop-capture, connect, disconnect, etc. -- is technically harder because all those commands are plugin-specific and created from the plugin scripts. Hence, plugins should be able to assign shortcuts to the actions they create -- but IO Ninja currently doesn't have such an API (which should be added, of course).

Overall, a totally valid feature request! We'll try to get something in this department for the next release...