Writing a Server Script

In this tutorial, we will show you how to listen and respond to events generated by the currently opened transport session in order to create a server which responds to incoming commands.

We will also demonstrate a very powerful technique of extracting text-based commands without explicit buffering using the Jancy reswitch statement.

Design Considerations

You may think, transport plugins are written in Jancy, and the same language is used in in-app scripting. Receiving events from transport plugins and handling those in your in-app scripts shouldn’t be that hard, right? Well, there is a catch.

Different transports behave completely differently. They generate different kinds of events with different parameters. Establishing connections works differently, as well, requires different sets of parameters, and can be instant for some transports, and lengthy for others. Reading from different transports may have different semantics, too. Bottom line is, devising a universal API which would be applicable to any transport – is nearly impossible. Attempting to do so will yield some sort of the so-called God interface, which is never a good design.

Therefore, IO Ninja is using a different approach to handling transport events in your in-app scripts. Instead of listening for IO events from transport sessions – which is very hard to design a uniform API for, your in-app scripts will be listening for new log records! The IO Ninja Log API is already uniform for all kinds of sessions (difference lies in transport-specific log record codes and record parameters). So in-app scripting is using it as a uniform way to handle events from all kinds of sessions.

Event-handling Entry Point

Your event-handling entry point will be called every time a new record is added to the log file. The declaration for this entry point looks like this:

void onLogRecord(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    uint64_t recordCode,
    void const* p,
    size_t size
    // TODO: handle new log records

It’s not so easy to memorize the signature for this function, so we made it possible to auto-generate it with a few keystrokes. Start typing the function name (letter o), then press Ctrl + Space, and an auto-completion list will pop up. Select onLogRecord (it will likely be the only item on the list):


Hit Enter, and the skeleton for your event handler will be auto-generated.

Let’s have a quick break down of parameters passed to onLogRecord.


Parameter Description
timestamp Timestamp of the log record (see sys.getTimestamp).
recordCode Record code. May be one of log.StdRecordCode or something transport-specific.
p Pointer to the block of record-code-specific parameters.
size Size of record-code-specific parameters in bytes.

Often times it’s more convenient to use a typed pointer for p instead of void const* as to avoid additional type casts. You can use any non-thin data pointer type for p, for example:

void onLogRecord(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    uint64_t recordCode,
    char const* p, // also OK
    size_t size

Basic Processing Of RX Stream

As the old saying goes, who says “A” must say “B”. Let’s write a script that will reply B for every A discovered inside the incoming (RX) data stream.

void onLogRecord(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    uint64_t recordCode,
    char const* p,
    size_t size
    if (recordCode != log.StdRecordCode.Rx)
        return; // we only care about RX stream

    char const* end = p + size;
    while (p < end)
        char const* a = memchr(p, 'A', end - p);
        if (!a)

        p = a + 1;

To test this script, open a TCP Server on some local port (e.g. 8080), then start a TCP Connection and connect to Run this script on one side of this connection, and send some packets containing A-s from the other side. Note that you receive as many B-s back as there were A-s sent.

Buffering Commands

The formal definition of the “protocol” used in the example above is very simple – a command consists of a single character A, and it can occur anywhere in the incoming RX stream. As such, the code to process such commands is trivial.

All real-life protocols, are, of course, more complex than that. Commands typically occupy more than one byte. Also, the length of the packet is often times non-constant, but rather dependent on the contents of a particular packet.

Yet another complication to take care of is the fact that most transports – even reliable ones, such as TCP! – don’t guarantee the delivery of a packet as a whole. When you send 10 bytes on one end of a connection, you can’t expect to recv exactly 10 bytes on the other end. It can be delivered in chunks of, for example 6 and 4 bytes, or maybe 5, 3, and 2 bytes.

Bottom line – you cannot take a single log.StdRecordCode.Rx record and start analyzing its data while assuming it contains the whole packet. You have to buffer it first, and analyze it only after the whole packet has been buffered. How exactly to buffer a packet, depends on the protocol.

Plain-text Protocols

In text-based protocols, commands are usually terminated with carriage-return CR (\r) and/or line-feed LF (\n) characters. Let’s assume, CR (\r) is used as a terminator for a command. Then you can use the following boilerplate as a base for your script:

import "std_Buffer.jnc"

void onLogRecord(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    uint64_t recordCode,
    char const* p,
    size_t size
    if (recordCode != log.StdRecordCode.Rx)
        return; // we only care about RX stream

    static std.Buffer buffer;

    char const* end = p + size;
    while (p < end)
        char const* cr = memchr(p, '\r', end - p);
        if (!cr) // not yet
            buffer.append(p, end - p);

        buffer.append(p, cr - p); // buffer the last chunk

        // process the buffered command
        // in this example, we simply write it to the log

        buffer.append(0); // ensure zero-termination
        g_logWriter.write($"command: '%s'"(buffer.m_p));

        // clear buffer and move onto the next command

        p = cr + 1;

To make things more interesting, let’s assume that the command must be prefixed with STX (\x02). This is a pretty common pattern in Serial-based protocols.

import "std_Buffer.jnc"

void onLogRecord(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    uint64_t recordCode,
    char const* p,
    size_t size
    if (recordCode != log.StdRecordCode.Rx)
        return; // we only care about RX stream

    static std.Buffer buffer;
    static bool isCommand;

    char const* end = p + size;
    while (p < end)
        if (!isCommand) // skip everything until STX
            char const* stx = memchr(p, '\x02', end - p);
            if (!stx)

            // prepare buffer for the upcoming command

            p = stx + 1;
            isCommand = true;

        char const* cr = memchr(p, '\r', end - p);
        if (!cr) // not yet
            buffer.append(p, end - p);

        buffer.append(p, cr - p); // buffer the last chunk

        // command is fully buffered, process it
        // in this example, we simply write it to the log

        buffer.append(0); // ensure zero-termination
        g_logWriter.write($"command: '%s'"(buffer.m_p));

        // prepare for the next chunk of data

        p = cr + 1;
        isCommand = false;

Run this code and try sending it some data with “commands” embedded between STX and CR characters. Note that it works correctly no matter if you send those commands byte-by-byte, in chunks, or multiple commands in one block.

Binary Protocols

In binary protocols, packets are normally prefixed with a fixed-length header which carry the information about the full length of the packet. Therefore, we first need to buffer RX bytes until we have the whole header, and then buffer RX bytes until we have collected the whole packet.

import "std_Buffer.jnc"

struct PacketHdr
    uint16_t m_code;
    uint16_t m_dataSize;

    // followed by command-specific data (m_dataSize bytes)

void onLogRecord(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    uint64_t recordCode,
    char const* p,
    size_t size
    if (recordCode != log.StdRecordCode.Rx)
        return; // we only care about RX stream

    static std.Buffer buffer;

    char const* end = p + size;
    while (p < end)
        // first, we need to buffer the header

        if (buffer.m_size < sizeof(PacketHdr))
            size_t leftoverRx = end - p;
            size_t leftoverHdr = sizeof(PacketHdr) - buffer.m_size;

            if (leftoverRx < leftoverHdr) // not yet
                buffer.append(p, leftoverRx);

            buffer.append(p, leftoverHdr);
            p += leftoverHdr;

        // the header is ready, buffer the rest of the packet

        PacketHdr const* hdr = (PacketHdr const*)buffer.m_p;
        size_t leftoverRx = end - p;
        size_t leftoverPacket = hdr.m_dataSize - (buffer.m_size - sizeof(PacketHdr));

        if (leftoverRx < leftoverPacket) // not yet
            buffer.append(p, leftoverRx);

        buffer.append(p, leftoverPacket); // buffer the last chunk

        // packet is fully buffered, process it
        // in this example, we simply write command info to the log

        g_logWriter.write($"command code: %d, data: %d bytes"(

        // prepare for the next chunk of data

        p += leftoverPacket;

Using Jancy Regex Switches (reswitch)

The approaches shown above can be used in most cases. However, often times it’s possible to avoid the explicit buffering – and also simplify branching between possible commands.

Let’s introduce the Jancy regular expression switch, a.k.a. reswitch. Consider the example below:

void onLogRecord(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    uint64_t recordCode,
    char const* p,
    size_t size
    if (recordCode != log.StdRecordCode.Rx)
        return; // we only care about RX stream

    static jnc.RegexState regexState(
        jnc.RegexStateFlags.Lexer |

    char const* end = p + size;
    while (p < end || regexState.m_replayLength)
        reswitch (regexState, p, end - p)
        case r"about[\r\n]":
            transmit("Command server\r\n");

        case r"version[\r\n]":
            transmit("Version 1.0.0\r\n");

        case r"command([0-9]+)[\r\n]":
            transmit($"Command: %1\r\n"(regexState.m_subMatchArray[0].m_text));

        case ".":
            // ignore everything else

        p += regexState.m_consumedLength;

The reswitch statement takes a pointer to a jnc.RegexState variable (which holds the state of a regular expression DFA), and the pointer to the input string we are trying to analyze. In the body of reswitch you list all possible options, and if the input matches one of those, the corresponding piece of code will take control.


Raw Literals

r"..." are the raw literals that keep all escape sequences intact, without escape-decoding, so that those escape sequences go directly into the regex engine. In this example, it’s not strictly necessary (regular expressions can contain CR and LF characters), but sometimes preserving the backward slash is crucial – for example, if you need to escape a special regex char such as ']'. Without the raw literals that would require escaping backward slashes as such \\\\. This works, but it yields rather unreadable code for regular expressions. With the use of raw literals you keep regular expressions neat and clean.

Lexer Mode

Let’s suppose we are matching some regular expression. We’ve discovered a match, but this match did not happen to be at the very end of the string – more characters follow. Is it still a match? Well, it depends. Sometimes, we want it to be a match, sometimes not. To choose between the two options, use jnc.RegexStateFlags.Lexer bit of the jnc.RegexState.m_flags field. When jnc.RegexState is in the lexer mode, a match followed by other characters is still a match; otherwise, it isn’t.

Incremental Mode

One of the remarkable features of reswitch is that it’s capable of processing input strings incrementally, i.e. chunk-by-chunk. The necessary buffering will be done implicitly inside jnc.RegexState. To put regex engine into the incremental mode, set the jnc.RegexStateFlags.Incremental bit of the jnc.RegexState.m_flags field.

But of course, nothing stops you from applying reswitch to a pre-buffered packet. Let’s revisit the example from the Plain-text Protocols section. After we’ve accumulated the command until a CR character, let’s use reswitch to conveniently choose an appropriate command handler:

import "std_Buffer.jnc"

void onLogRecord(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    uint64_t recordCode,
    char const* p,
    size_t size
    if (recordCode != log.StdRecordCode.Rx)
        return; // we only care about RX stream

    static std.Buffer buffer;

    char const* end = p + size;
    while (p < end)
        char const* cr = memchr(p, '\r', end - p);
        if (!cr) // not yet
            buffer.append(p, end - p);

        buffer.append(p, cr - p); // buffer the last chunk

        // process the buffered command using reswitch

        jnc.RegexState regexState;
        reswitch (regexState, buffer.m_p, buffer.m_size) // run on buffer
        case "about":
            transmit("Command server\r\n");

        case "version":
            transmit("Version 1.0.0\r\n");

        case "command([0-9]+)":
            transmit($"Command: %1\r\n"(regexState.m_subMatchArray[0].m_text));

            transmit("Unknown command\r\n");

        // clear buffer and move onto the next command

        p = cr + 1;