@vladimir thank you!
tdevmon - segmentation fault
Hello again Jose!
It took me a while to address the write protection removal issue on aarch64, but I finally got tdevmon
working on aarch64; there's also an experimental build of IO Ninja for aarch64. Would you be willing to test those? Which is the most important module for you, ioninja-hwc
or tdevmon
Hello Vladimir!
Thank you! Of course, I will be glad to test them!
For me, it is more important the ioninja-hwc, as what I want to do is deploy a device with a serial tap attached to it.
Hello Vladimir,
I've done a quick tests.
ioninja-hwc: I have tested it with a (1) serial-tap, and it worked ok.
tdevmon: I found one error compiling the kernel module. It gave a "incompatible-pointer-type" error. The same kind we saw before, in this same email chain, perhaps it is something related.
(I've checked that the linux-headers and the kernel version match)
Just fyi, also I tried the "GUI" ioninja, and it gave me an error when "JITting", e.g., going to use the "serial tap" plug-in... but perhaps it is normal and expected, as we have just been talking about the "ioninja-hwc" (and "tdevmon")
Hmm. Everything is working well on the fully updated Raspbian Aarch64; I installed ArchLinux ARM Aarch64 -- and everything fails there the same way you describe. Fixing the compilation error for tdevmon
was easy, but that didn't quite cut it -- it looks like write protection removal needs extra polishing for the newer kernels.
Ok! Do not worry! In the mean time, if I need it, I would -with some care- use the ioninja-hwc as it seems to work well. If I found anything unexpected, I will let you know. Regards and thank you!
should now build and work on new Aarch64 kernels -- with or without huge page support (ArchLinux kernel is built with it, Raspbian -- without).
Please try it and let me know:
Re ioninja-hwc
-- I wouldn't expect issues on Aarch64; it's a simple console app that does no platform-specific trickery.
A new internal build of IO Ninja for Aarch64 is up:
Tried it on the latest ArchLinux -- it's working now.
Let me know if you notice any issues.
Hello Vladimir!,
I was going to tell you that I had tried the tdevmon and everything went smoothly: it builds ok, I was able to install the kernel module and the program works perfectly capturing data from the serial device.
And, then I found that you have already prepared the ioninja "main" program. I have quickly tried, and I found no problem
Thank you very much!
also, FYI, as I commented, I did this on a Rock64 plataform, with Arch Linux Arm. Eventually (soon), I will also tried it on a Raspberry. If I find any issue, I will tell you.
Regards, and thank you again!